Thursday, February 28, 2008

Friends (Caution: There's Emo Ahead)

Throughout the course of my life, I've had a small handful of real friends. People who are there when I need help, a willing shoulder when I need support no matter what. No matter how long it's been since we last spoke, we will always be friends.

And then there are the other friends. People who claim to be like "a sister!" to me. These are the people who weren't there for me when my brother had his accident. These are the people who, when I undertook the creation of a charity organization, have turned up their noses at supporting it. And by supporting it, I mean doing something as simple as clicking the mouse. I am willing to support them in their endeavors, but they can't be bothered to support mine.

For all the times you've claimed to be kin.

For all the times you've claimed to be there to help when I need it.

For all the times you said you cared.

Thanks. No really, thanks.

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