Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Bleed Green (You Know You’re out of Uniform, Right?)

The days will bleed together,

Long and steaming.

Thick cammie material will make you puddle.


Mud and green war paint will infect your pores.

Kevlar is unnecessary,

your regulation hair is a suitable antiballistic shield.


Never, under any circumstances, admit pain.

Run until you vomit.

Run until bone breaks through skin,

no other injury is acceptable.


Do not waste free hours with useless sleep.

Use the time to IP, polish, prep and study.


Your weapon is your life.

Know every part of it.

What is her serial number?

How do you clear her chamber? (TAP RACK BANG)

How clean are her working parts?


Make no mistake:

Your weapon might be female,

but you are not.

You are Candidate.

One of approximately 70.

If found passable,

you will become one of approximately 40.

Only the Spartans survive that long.


You will learn to live with hairy legs

And athlete’s foot

And upper respiratory infections

And sleeping at the position of attention

And wading through face-high mud.


Marines eat mud.

And babies.


Get some.

Kill Kill Kill.


Remember these terms:

Head. Rack. Deck. Bulkhead.

Squared away, good to go?

PT (gimmie some).


One. Two. Three. Four.


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