Since someone decided to blame all their problems on Santa (no joke), I think the old dude deserves a break
Santa's punishments are much less severe than Jesus's. Seriously: eternal damnation or a lump of coal and the opportunity to spend a year righting the wrongs?
Santa encourages betterment and giving. There is no time of year where charities get more donations than Christmas. And that's the only time of year we see much of Santa. Coincidence? I think not.
Santa encourages personal responsibility. *You* messed up, now *you* need to fix it. *You* are responsible for the giving. If your gift sucks, it's your fault.
Santa set absolutely no regulations on what defines "naughty" and "nice". It's really up to you to decide and place judgement. Everyone decides what Jesus says is bad or good anyway, at least Santa is up front about it.
Santa gives presents to everyone, regardless of religion. Giving is universal. Hell is for the nonbelievers.